09 October 2006

So, tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the start of my egg donating journey. I'd still do it again in a heartbeat- still trying to lose some more weight so I can. I'm down about 40lbs and have at least another 35lbs to go before they'll allow me to donate again.
I've had no major side effects from the egg donation, no problems- nothing. It's been status quo ever since. I'm certainly going to donate again, if I'm able (I'm close to 'aging out') not only for the feel good, warm fuzzies that someone who really wants one is going to, possibly, be able to have a child, but for the payday as well.

03 December 2005

I got my check in the mail this morning.....woohoo! Looks like we're going to have a VERY nice Christmas & I'll be able to pay some terribly past due bills (I'll finally be able to answer the phone again). Tuesday I emailed my photo to Aleksandra for her article-it's apparently not yet gone to press, so I'm still waiting on the link. When I do get it, I'll see what I can do to translate it & post it. If not, I'll certainly post the link.
It looks like it will be spring before I am eligible to donate again, I need to lose some weight. I think that $4000 is a good motivator to get me off the couch & moving again. When & if I donate again, I plan on updating the diary.

23 November 2005

Had my final appointment yesterday & all's well that ends well. The MD'S were quite impressed that not only did I NOT suffer any side effects of the drugs, but that I had 20 viable oocyte as well. My MD, Dr. M was intrigued by the article that is going to be in the Polish news magazine. I got another email from Aleksandra yesterday & I am going to send her a photo or two. Now I just have to find someone who reads Polish that can translate the article for me.
I should get my check in about four weeks-hopefully the week before Christmas so that Santa can leave some nice things for the kiddo.
All in all, it's be a great experience and I'll absolutely do it again, if asked. It might not be for everyone, but if you believe that you could be a good candidate for donation, I would certainly pursue it.

21 November 2005

I was half expecting that the email I got the other day was a hoax, but apparently not. Here's a copy of the email I received in reply......

Hi Heather,
Thank you so much for reply. Ok, I have some more questions.
I heard that the couples usually want donors with special attitudes like hair colour, eyes colour, some additional talents like for music or writing or I don't know, sometimes students from good universities and so on. How was it in your case?
Before you started the process, have you been aware about the medications, hormons, surgery?
After donation - don't you have the feeling that the baby will be half your baby?
How do you feel now? It is not so long you did the retrieval.
May I ask you where do you live? And another think, may I know your last name i use it in my article, and don't you mind if I ask you for picture? Feel free to deny if it is not comfortable for you. But if not, it would be great.
The magazine have a web site, but it will be only in Polish. But anyway it is

Thank you,
Aleksandra P.

I replied this evening & yes, I will probably send a photo, but no, I don't think I am going to use my surname, initial maybe.
My follow up appointment is tomorrow, I'll post an update with both the results from that & what I hear from Aleksandra.

20 November 2005

Honestly, I didn't expect that anyone other than myself, would read this, but here's a copy of an email I received yesterday...
Hi dear Blogger,
I found your blog on the web and I decided to contact you.
I'm seriously looking for some women who already donated their eggs. I'm a reporter, I work for polish press (a good weekly magazine) and I'm writing about egg donation in the US. I want to ask you if I can use some informations from your posts about the proces, about your feelings? And also would you like to write me about your decision to become a donor, why did you do this? How much do they pay you? Do you know the couple or is that anonymus? I'd like to know more about this not only from fertility clinics.
hope to hear from you soon,
Aleksandra P.

The email address it came from was Poland, so who knows. If anything does come of it, I'll certainly post it.

11 November 2005

I talked to my MD's office yesterday & made a follow-up appointment for 11/22. All of my 'symptoms' have subsided & everything is returning to normal.

09 November 2005

Getting back to normal....

It seems weird to me now not to have to have my shot between 6-7pm. The cramping, albeit mild, that I was experiencing is almost gone, but the increased urinary frequency has yet to subside. Last night, I picked up the kiddo & had a sharp "twinge", but as soon as I was done lifting, it was gone. Tomorrow, I have to call to make my follow up appointment, just so they can double check that I'm still not producing eggs like a chicken.

07 November 2005

20 viable oocyte!

I've home from hospital, found a ride home this morning & other than mild cramps, like menstrual cramps, I feel fine. Got there about 6:30am, I was changed & hooked up to a lovely IV of Fentenal & Versed by 7:45am & in recovery by 8:45am. They were able to retrieve 20 viable oocyte (eggs). I'm supposed to take it easy for the rest of the day, so I'm going to plop myself down on the sofa & watch TV until about 3:00, then go get the kiddo from school. My friend (____), the kiddo's Godmother made the school run this morning, which was an excellent thing, because before school daycare doesn't open until 6:30, so that really helped me out a lot.

This was a great experience, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Yes, the money will be nice, but like I've said before, I've got all these eggs that I'm not using (and will not use) why not give them to someone who needs them. I will have a followup appointment with my MD in two weeks just to make sure that everything is returning to normal.

06 November 2005

It's been about 24 hours since I've taken the Ovidrel & the only change I've noticed is that about 3 hours after I took it last night, I had some mild cramping, almost like when you go into labour & you get really mild contractions-it felt like that for about an hour & it was gone. My friend (_____), the kiddo's Godfather, is going to drop me off at the hospital tomorrow morning on his way to work. I'll be there about 20 minutes early, but I'd rather be early than late. I hate the fact that I'm NPO after midnight, which mean no first thing in the morning Diet Coke. The entire proceedure should only take about 2-2.5hrs. & I'll be out when the retreive the eggs. I'm not nervous at all, but I'm still trying to work out the logistics of getting home from hospital.

05 November 2005

The cold I thought I'd beaten earlier in the week snuck up on me this afternoon! My belly is starting to feel "full"-it's firm to the touch, whereas it's usually a squishy momma belly and it's mildly distended. It's not uncomfortable, but it's definitely a noticeable change.
6:45am Monday.....

I have to be at the hospital Monday at 6:45 for my egg retrieval. I am 5 days ahead of schedule, we suspected that my retrieval date would be 11/11/05, which would have been a WHOLE lot easier than having to arrange for a ride & daycare on Monday (the kiddo's before school care doesn't open until 6:30 & the hospital is 25 minutes away).....So I'm still working out the logistics.
Tonight, I will only have one injection & that's a new drug, Ovidrel. The syringe isn't marked, but it appears to be about 30mg. Ovidrel induces final follicular maturation & it's got a list of nifty side effects like the rest of them, the info on the patient info sheet from the pharmacy is the same at the Follistim with one except, "Unusual vaginal bleeding."
I'm not worried in the least bit, and I'll actually be looking forward to it (as soon as I have transportation & daycare arrangements finalized).
So no more Lupron, no more Follistim, one shot left. I've gotten into the habit of dropping whatever I'm doing at 6pm to take the meds, I'm going to, in a oddly twisted way, miss it. I'm not going to miss the "John Holmes" ultrasounds, that's certain. Just keep fingers crossed that the retrieval on Monday goes off without a hitch.

04 November 2005

Situation normal, all systems go.....Talked to Mary, my RNP, this afternoon and she's not concerned that I've at least 20 eggs at 1cm or more. I'm maintaining my does of Lupron & Follistim tonight & have to be back at the hospital at 8am for yet another blood test & "date" with "John Holmes".
I've had some 'twinges' today, been able to feel the eggs moving. It's seems more pronounced, but I'm not sure if that's just because I actually got to see the eggs today. Also, I've noticed a slight increase the frequency of my "urinary urges", which apparently is not uncommon because the ovaries are now pushing on my bladder...Increasing from making a trip to the little girls room twice at work to three times is no big deal. I did have quite a bit of soda to drink today to, so I know that didn't help matters any.
No real problems with the injection tonight, other than I had the Follistim pen at an odd angle so there was a marked sharpness (pretty funny considering I'm jabbing myself with a needle!) to it that I've not really had before.

At least 20 eggs at 1cm or more and I've only been on the Follistim for seven days. I will have to go tomorrow morning for yet another "John Holmes" ultrasound (Oh, joy). My MD is concerned that I might be overstimulated & that could lead to possibly serious side effects...This is from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine's fact sheet on the side effects on Gonadotropins

{hormone that stimulates the growth and activity of the gonads, especially any of several pituitary hormones that stimulate the function of the ovaries and testes.}

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)... Occurring in 1 to 5 percent of cycles, the chance of OHSS is increased in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome and in conception cycles. When severe, it can result in blood clots, kidney damage, ovarian torsion (twisting) and chest and abdominal fluid collection. In severe cases, hospitalization is required for monitoring but the condition is transient, lasting only a week or so. Occasionally, drawing fluid out of the chest or abdominal cavity helps. The best prevention is to not give hCG to indue ovulation at the end of an overly vigorous stimulation cycle.

03 November 2005

T-minus 18 hours & counting to "John Holmes ultrasound"....I won't say I'm dreading it, but I'm not doing back handsprings over it, either. Hell, they could at least by me dinner! ; >
I had to take 3 injections tonight, I ran out of Follistim at 100 units, so I had to "reload" and take my last 50. The nifty thing about the pen all I had to do was load the meds, reinsert the needle (I put a new needle on out of habit) and finish the injection....Didn't have to remember how much I needed or do the math. Pretty handy & would be especially if I was taking higher doses. I've got quite a polka-dot "road map" of bruises on my belly from the Follistim, but that's about the worst of it. I'm still can feel that something is going on it there, but it's anything but uncomfortable.

02 November 2005

After sitting on the highway for about 45 minutes in morning traffic, I did finally make it to the hospital this morning for my blood work. Thankfully, I was spared a visit to the "John Holmes ultrasound machine". We get reacquainted on Friday morning.

I'm noticing a "change" today, nothing uncomfortable or irritating, but I can feel the eggs 'moving' about. It's noticeable, but it's more of an awareness that there's something 'in there' and that there's something going on. It almost feels like gas bubbles bouncing around (although it could be considering we had belly bombers {White Castles for those of you not 'in the know'} for dinner last night....a gastronomic delicacy that's not so delicate on your gastrointestinal tract, but they are SOOO good.)
http://www.whitecastle.com/ But, I digress....

Apparently, my Estrogen levels are higher than they would have expected at this point, which is a good thing & we've actually decreased my Follistim from 225 to 150 units, still at 10mg of Lupron. And honestly, I think some of what I attributed to eggs this morning really was side effects of the White Castles. Not all of it, but certainly some. Other than that, and some minor bruising on my belly at my Follistim injection site,s no major side effects. Even just having an awareness that there's something going on in my ovaries, eggs moving or what have you isn't bad at all, and I even hesitate to call it uncomfortable because that's just too strong a word.

01 November 2005

I will not get sick, I will not get sick, I will not get sick....Currently, I'm fighting off whatever is going around (hopefully not Bird Flu {just kidding}) and it's mind over immune system. I'm hopped up in Zicam & Echinacea tea, but other than that it's situation normal. No problems or side effects thus far from the Lupron or Follistim. Altho, I did take my doxycycline on an empty stomach this morning & that is NOT a mistake I will make again. I would have given my left arm to vomit & feel better. It passed after about an hour, but that's an hour too long teetering on the edge of nausea.
... early appointment at the hospital tomorrow morning. Thankfully, I'm spared a visit with the "John Holmes" ultrasound machine.

31 October 2005

Happy Hallowe'en (and for my Celtic friends, Oidhche Shamhna)....late with the meds tonight because the kiddo & I were galavanting about in the rain for candy. It sure was a bummer in our neighbourhood this year, hardly anyone out & very few homes with their lights on.

I noticed tonight 2 small bruises on my stomach where I've given myself Follistim injections-I can't figure it out, because I've not had any brusing with the Lupron & the needles are the same gauge, altho the Follistim needle is a wee bit longer than the needle on my Lupron syringes. Wednesday I go for another round of bloodwork, so I may mention the brusing....honestly, it's probably 'user error'.

Samhain Info (for those that are so inclined)
I spent so much time yesterday evening fighting with the kiddo to get the bedroom cleaned or there would be trick-or-treating today, that I just ran out of time to post before I fell asleep on the sofa. No news is good news, the only minor side effect I'm noticing from the Follistim is immediately after the injection, for about 5 minutes, I get very warm. Please let that be the worst of it.
Happy to report the bedroom is clean & we will be trick-or-treating (looks like in the rain, too).

30 October 2005

Same ol' ball & chain.... Some days I wish I could take the meds 'whenever', because at 2pm today I was ready for my shot. I was just getting over being aggrivated that two of my four pumpkins were rotten & I only got to use my fancy, schmacy carving tools on two easy pumpkins. Maybe next year.
I seemed to have a slight reaction to my Follistim injection last night, very red & itchy at the injection site, but that was probably because I had to stick myself twice! Tonight, I am not going to multitask & take my injection, it's obvious that I am too uncoordinated for that!

29 October 2005

I spent most of the day feeling kinda 'blech', but I think it's just A. allergies & B. a touch of whatever is going around. I'm feeling better since I've eaten & my injections went off without any real hitches, other than I was trying to talk on the phone while I gave myself the Follistim & dropped the pen after I already had the needle in my belly, so instead of getting stuck twice, it was three times this evening. It's a good thing that the injections aren't painful, or I might be a wee bit ticked off. We're headed out now to the kiddo's godparents for some of the best mostaccioli you'd ever eat!

28 October 2005

And, we're off!

First dose of the Follistim this evening & I am fairly certain that the psychosomatic 'side effects' are what is giving me cotton mouth like an old stoner & hot flashes like an old lady! My mind is playing tricks on me.
The pen it (Follistim) comes in is pretty nifty, but where a dose of Lupron took about 3 seconds, the Follistim, because it's a larger dose, just takes longer to come out of the needle. I actually bled for just a sec at the injection site, too. Now, I blink and I'm done with all 10mg of Lupron. I sincerely hope that I can get thru the Follistim without any serious, negative or just plain irritating side effects.

27 October 2005

How many ways can you say Status Quo, used as a noun, defined as current situation? According to Roget's New Millennium Thesaurus, First Edition, ten different ways.

1. Existing Condition
2. How things stand
3. No Change
4. Parameters
5. Present State of Affairs
6. Situation
7. Size of It
8. Status
9. Status in Quo
10. Usual

That about sums things up. Tomorrow is when the games being.

26 October 2005

My dosing schedule gets shaken up on Friday....the Lupron is being decreased to 10 mg SQ (subcutaneous) per day & we're adding the fun one, the one that list the nifty side effects, into the mix- Follistim, 220mg SQ per day.
The Follistim does come in a handy dandy "pen" like epinephrine, so all I have to do it put the vial of meds in, attach the needle, dial up my dosage & fire away.
November 2nd will be my second round of blood tests, but thankfully, I'm being spared the 'john holmes' ultrasound.

25 October 2005

So I've running a little "experiment" of my own.....

After a while, the whole injection "thing" is starting to make for some dull writing. So, I decided to run a little experiment of my own, to see where on my stomach is the least uncomfortable, (I hesitate to say painful, because honestly, how could a 28 gauge needle be painful), place to take my injection.
I've experienced the misery of pregnancy, and I've got the stretch marks to prove it-thank God, Goddess, Buddha that they are not bad, but there are a few small ones on my belly. At any rate, I've come to the conclusion that the stretch mark is not a good place to inject yourself. It seems to pinch worst than anywhere else. It's not like it earth shattering pain, but it's more noticeable than anywhere else on my belly. On a scale of 1-10, it's a 1, so it's nothing. I've also found, at least with my own specific physiology, that the best place is just below the navel....Can't even feel it. Even with the navel is ok, but then the waistband of my jeans tends to irritate the injection site. Boy, this is like watching paint dry, but I never promised that it would be entertaining!

Status quo with my injection tonight-I'm getting to be an ol' pro at this.

24 October 2005

Incidentally, status quo with the Lupron this evening. I talked to Mary, my RNP (registered nurse practitioner) this afternoon & we're apparently dropping the dose (of Lupron) on Friday & I think I'll be starting the Follistim then, too. Let the game begin.

Marital Aid or Medical Equipment?

This morning, at 7.30AM, was my first (of probably many) ultrasounds & blood tests. The blood work was a piece of cake, but you think they would have warned me that the probe for the transvaginal ultrasounds looks like, well.....a "marital aid"-modeled after John Holmes, no less. It wasn't bad, only mildly uncomfortable, but I think I'm still trying to recover from the fact that the marital aid/ultrasound probe was covered in, oh wait for it....a condom. Sadly, it wasn't 'ribbed for her pleasure'.

In this same general realm & a complete waste of time, but fun nevertheless...

23 October 2005

Several Advil & a nap later, I'm beginning to feel human again. My injection was uneventful, as per usual...here's hoping they stay that way. It's early yet, but considering I've got to be at the hospital before the roosters get up in the morning, I've got to get some sleep.

I was hoping for a month off......

But, unfortunately, no. Blech! I feel like crap, total crap & I'm certain that I've not had cramps like this since I was a teenager. My country for a Midol & a pound of peanut M & M's. I feel so bad that the kiddo & I had to leave church before the end of the service because I felt like I was going to be sick, still do, too.

22 October 2005

Right on time this evening, actually 6:05, but as long as I'm between & 6pm-7pm, I'm alright....Even with the chaos of making dinner, making cookies & a kiddo on a sit and spin in the middle of my rather tiny kitchen floor.
I'm been a little short tempered today, but I don't think that's the meds. I think it's the fact that the kiddo was off school Friday, so I took the day off work rather than pay a king's ransom for daycare & outside of a 50 minute class this morning, we've not had a minute a part (other than sleep, of course). My patience is wearing thin. Here's hoping for an early bedtime & a moments peace for moi!

It's getting to be cold weather, it time to sit down with a good cuppa & knit 1, purl 2.

21 October 2005

This evening, it took me 3 hours to watch a 2 hours movie & I was 30 minutes late taking my injection....no blood, no foul. Other than forgetting & waiting until 7.30, totally unremarkable. The MD office called this afternoon to remind me of my appointment Monday morning.

20 October 2005

In a bathroom stall...

Last night, I packed my Lupron, an alcohol wipe & syringe in my not-so-little black bag for my dose of meds this evening, because I knew there was no way I was going to make it home before 7 PM. So, my one choice was to "shoot up" in the handicapped stall of a Chinese restaurant restroom.
Lupron has been prescribed to me by one of the finest reproductive endocrinologist in (________), my home town & home to one of the top 10 hospitals in the country....But it was still 'covert'. I still felt a twinge of guilt and a wee bit dirty. I'm not sure if it was because I was in a less than sanitary public restroom. Granted, it wasn't "The dirtiest public toilet in Scotland" dirty, but of course it wasn't as clean as my restroom at home. Maybe it was just the fact that I was using a hypodermic syringe in a public place, which, I packed out. I was hesitant to leave it in a trash bin in a public restroom, just because. It's not like my name was one it, or anyone would have seen me leave it in the bin, but still, somewhere I was worried about the possibility of it coming back on me.

Other than the less than clean conditions, the injection was unremarkable. Actually, because I was trying to get in & get out quickly, I didn't even feel it & there was absolutely no pinch or itching, which has come back, although very mild, still irritating.

19 October 2005

Drugs are Bad, M'kay....

I've been meaning to post the complete list of possible side effects of the drug(s) that I am taking, I've a few free minutes, so not time like the present. Currently, I am only on the one med, Lupron, but I will be starting Follistim soon, so I am going to list all of its possible nastiness, too.

I've taken this info, verbatim, from the patient information sheets that came with the drugs from the pharmacy.

Leuporlide 1mg (Lupron)


This medicate is a synthetic hormone. When it is used, the body stops producing testosterone hormone in males and estrogen in females. When the medication is stopped, hormone levels return to normal. Leuprolide is used in the treatment of prostate cancer in men, early puberty in children and anemia (due to uterine fibroid tumors) in women.

How to use:

This medication is given as an injection under the skin.

Side Effects:

Adults- This medication may cause nausea, vomiting, hot flashes, night sweats, bone pain, swelling of the feet and ankles, headache or difficulty urinating the first few days as your body adjusts to the medication. Notify your doctor if these symptoms become bothersome. This medication may case reduced sexual desire. Notify your doctor if you develop any of the following while using this medication: rapid heartbeat, chest pain, breathing difficulties, fever, chills, painful urination, testicular or prostate pain (men), persistent pain at the injection site. Tell you doctor immediately if any of the highly unlikely but very serious side effects occur: severe headache, vision changes, severe drowsiness, unusual or one-sided weakness. A serious allergic reaction to this drug is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if this occurs. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include : rash, itching, swelling, dizziness, trouble breathing. (The remainder of the information sheet pertains to use in children)

Almost as fun as a bag full of cats, but read on, it get better!

Follistim AQ 600IU


This medication is used to treat certain fertility problems in women. It provides the hormone (FSH) that helps stimulate healthy ovaries to produce eggs. This medication is usually used in combination with another hormone (hCG) for the growth and release of a mature egg (ovulation). This medication is not recommended for women whose ovaries no longer make eggs properly (primary ovarian failure).

How To Use:

Read the Patient Information leaflet before starting hits medication and each time you get a refill of this medication because new information may be available....Inject under the skin (subcutaneously) usually once a day or as directed by you doctor. Dosage and duration of therapy is based on you medical condition and response to therapy. Is the pen is stored in the refrigerator, allow the medication to warm to room temperature before use.

Side Effects:

Headache, stomach pain, bloating, redness/pain at the injection site, breast tenderness/pain, or dizziness may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because of the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using the medication do not have serious side effects. Tell your doctor immediately if any of these unlikely but serious side effects occur: vaginal/uterine bleeding, flu-like symptoms (e.g fever, chills, muscle aches, tiredness). Tell your doctor immediately if any of there rare but serious side effects occur: one-sided weakness, slurred speech, vision changes, sudden severe headache, pain/swelling of the calf muscles, chest pain, shortness of breath, swelling of the hands/feet. This medication may cause a condition knows as Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). This condition may occur during therapy and after treatment has been discontinued. Rarely, serious OHSS causes fluid to suddenly build up in the stomach, chest, and heart area. Seek immediate medical attention if you develop the following side effects: severe pain or swelling in the lower abdominal (pelvic) area, nausea/vomiting, sudden/rapid weight gain, or a change in the amount of urine. ( The relevant remainder of the information sheet pertains to symptoms of an allergic reaction, which is repeating the info from the Lupron side effects).

Kinda scary, isn't it....I'm not worried about any side effects, I'm going to will myself thru this with little or no side effects. Or at least that's the plan.

I think I'm beginning to sound like a broken record....Fill syringe, insert needle, depress plunger, you get the idea. No changes or side effects, other than the whole being hot at work, but I am certain now that's it' because the A/C isn't on. 90% of my department is "mentalpausal" or "post-mentalpausal" woman & today, collectively, they all snapped about having to work in near sauna conditions.
Tomorrow should be interesting-I'm meeting my 'rents for dinner at 6PM , I have to take my meds between 6 & 7PM. I've already pack the meds in my black hole of a not-so-little black bag & will have to sneak a trip to the ladies room without the kidlet. The 'rents don't know about it & I'm hesitant to tell them, just because even though I'm a grown ass woman & just a few credits from my nursing degree, when it comes to matters of health, they treat me like an 11 year old.

18 October 2005

Status Quo, part deux.....

It's beginning to feel like 'wash, rinse, repeat"...Fill syringe, insert needle, depress plunger, dispose of sharps in make shift biohaz container. I like status quo, I like that I'm not having any side effects, so far. I don't know what the whole 'crampy' deal was yesterday, because it was gone today. Then again, I've got a pretty sensitive stomach, it could have been an mild allergic reaction to what I ate yesterday, who knows! There's little difference between my stomach cramps or menstrual cramps, it's pretty much misery from the waist down.
The itching & redness are totally gone, but the 'pinch' was a little more noticeable this evening...My 'assistant' (aka kiddo) was talking my ear off & I hesitated a bit. I'm just going to have to lock my self in the bathroom a scant moment of peace!

17 October 2005

A whole week & I'm still 'in it to win it'. Today, I was kinda crampy,which I was surprised by, but my MD told me that it's still possible for me to menstruate while on the Lupron....And I was looking forward to a month off! My kiddo actually "helped" me give myself the injection tonight. Honestly, it consisted of holding the box the meds are in & asking a billion and one questions in the space of about 3 minutes.

I was quite warm again at work today, but I'm fairly certain they either got the air off or cranked up so high, that since it's 80F (26C), it've never going to kick on. I'm resigned to my fate of sitting at the desk & sweating from 9-5! Hopefully, it will cool off significantly before I start the Follistim & everything's out of wack or I may just have to work nude. Considering I'm in finance & not 'adult' entertainment, not to mention the fact that I would have been a model when Ruebens painting, that would fly like a lead balloon.

More info on Peter Paul Reubens-


16 October 2005

Status Quo...

Fill syringe, insert needle, depress plunger, dispose of syringe in biomedical waste container, which happens to be an old fabric softener bottle. No itching or redness at the injection site, which is nice, and no "new" side effects from the Lupron. Tomorrow is day 7, and 7 days from that I should be starting the Follistim. I think that's when the 'fun' will start.

15 October 2005

Apparently, sitting it the key. No pinch or itching today, but I know that that's partially because my body is growing accoustomed to the needles. Still waiting for the side effects....the sorness in my breast is gone, so who knows what that was. I'm just aggrivated today that I couldn't get the "Bert terror threat level indicator" on the lower right of the page to line up how I wanted it. Other than that, fairly typical Saturday .

14 October 2005

Day number 5 and all is well!

I sat & pinched today & that's the secret....No mosquito pinch & the itching is almost gone. The redness is totally gone. I think my belly is getting accustomed to the needles. So far, that's the worst of it....altho, I was rather hot at work all day today, but I am writing that off to it was 80 degrees, my dumbass wore a sweater to work & I'm fairly certain that the A/C didn't kick on all day. Also, I have a mild sore spot in one of my breasts, but it's only noticeable if you touch it. So, I am going to follow the advice of my mother from many moons ago, "If it hurts, don't do that". But since the chances of anyone other than myself, my gynecologist or my five year old touching my breasts are slim to none, I've got nothing to worry about.
At this point, I would presume that the Lupron is "starting to work" and the hormone suppression has begun. If I am experiencing side effects, they are either under my radar, or are being written off to something else. Let's just hope it stays that way!

13 October 2005

To Stand or Not To Stand...

Today was injection four of Lupron & the new question is...To stand or not to stand (while giving the injection)?

I'm leaning towards sitting....Both yesterday & today, I was a little pressed for time between 6:00 and 7:00, or at least I felt that way, so I probably wasn't working as slowing and methodically as I should have been. I didn't skip steps or skimp on the handwashing or anything like that, but I stood while I was giving myself the injection. Both yesteday and today the needle was more noticeable....It was just a little more pinch than a mosquito bite, but it was certainly more noticeable. Then again, I forgot to "pinch an inch" while I was taking the injection, that might have something to do with it. Tomorrow I will have to try it again sitting, but not pinching & Saturday, sitting & pinching.....God, this is almost as exciting as watching paint dry!

Although, the redness & itching today is considerably reduced, from 45 miutes to about 15, but I doubt that's got anything to do with the standing & more with acclimatization to the needles.

So far, the redness & itching at the site of injection have been the only "side effects" I've experienced. Considering Lupron offers up side effects like night sweats, mood swings, hot flashes & vaginal dryness,( just to name a few), I'll stick with what I've got.

12 October 2005

After spending the gross (no pun intended) majority of the afternoon being 'sick', I am starting to feel better & have taken my 3rd dose of Lupron. Yesterday & today, both went off without a hitch...Other than the redness & itching at the injection site, but that should be gone in about 45 minutes. Please, let that be the worst of it & I'll be a happy camper.

The Doxycycline is still making me queasy, but antibiotics ALWAYS make me feel icky, for lack of a better term. For example, I was on a 10 day course of Zifaxan this summer & spent the entire 240 hrs. Of those 10 days knowing that one false move & I'd be experiencing lunch a second time around. Not to mention that 10 days worth of Zifaxan was $250!

My first appointment for blood work & intravaginal ultrasound (doesn't that sound pleasant) is 10/24, so I will have to mention the itching, if it hasn't subsided by then. If all is going as planned then, I should be starting the Follistim about 7 days after the appointment. I wonder how my skin will react to two shots a day?

Uh, oh....This is not good!

I've come home from work sick...Nauseous, vomiting & general unpleastness in my gastrointestinal tract. I'm almost certain that it is the Cajun Chicken Pasta that I ate for lunch, for about 5 minutes before the misery began, but I suppose we'll just have to wait & see.

I am on Doxycycline and that has been making me mildly nauseous for about 45 minutes after I take it, but nothing like this. It's doubtful, to me, that it's the Lupron or the Doxycycline, but I still feel pretty awful.

I'm going to have a drink of Pepto-Bismol & take a nap.

11 October 2005

1 Down, 35 or so more to go...

My first dose of Lupron was last night about 18.10 GMT and it was uneventful. Hooray!

I decided that I would wait almost a full day to see if I felt any effects of the suppression of hormones. So far, so good-feeling fairly normal (for me anyway).

The initial injection was a piece of cake...The needles I'm using are absolutely tiny, 28 gauge. In comparison, the needles that the American Red Cross uses when you donate blood are 16 gauge. Honestly, I didn't even feel it until afterwards, and I think the only reason I felt it was because I was looking at it.

The only reaction I had was at the injection site (I used my stomach because it's just easier to navigate than the leg) ... some redness & itching for about 45 minutes afterwards. Considering some of the side effects that I will most probably experience over the course of the next month, I'll take the redness & itching.

I wasn't worried about the injection, if it would hurt or anything like that, I've got several tattoos & piercings, but I was concerned that I'd screw it up somehow. How exactly, I'm not sure. SO, apparently, I didn't screw it up.

It's early yet, anything thing can happen.

10 October 2005

So it begins....

Over 3 three years ago, I registered with a reproductive medicine clinic in my area to be an egg donor....And today I finally start the medications. I decided to post a diary online of what my experiences are with the medications, their side effects & whatnot..

Allow me a brief back story (to explain why I'm here in the first place).....

I'd considered egg donation in college, primarily for the financial gains, but had not had a child at that point so most places didn't want my eggs.
Five years ago, I gave birth to my one & only child (more on that some other time). Pregnancy was the worst experience of my life, hands down. There isn't enough money on earth to make me want to do that again. There's no sense in all those little eggs going to waste & I'm not going to use them anymore, so why not help out someone who can't have what I have....A child of their own.

Now, granted technically the child will share 1/2 my DNA, but to me, that's all it is, genetic material. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that getting paid of my eggs is not a motivating factor, but it's really not as big a factor, in my case, as one might think.

Granted, I am broke as a joke....Paycheck to paltry paycheck, but money's just that. It doesn't give me the good feeling like knowing I'm truly helping someone have a baby . Altho, at least the money will help me stop screening my calls from bills collectors and pawing things for gas & grocery money.

There are risks involved with the medications (like confusing my body into menopause for a little over a month), the retrieval (surgery) and there's always that chance that I'll be the one that has the horrible, life shattering reaction to the drugs.

Then again, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow, too.