18 October 2005

Status Quo, part deux.....

It's beginning to feel like 'wash, rinse, repeat"...Fill syringe, insert needle, depress plunger, dispose of sharps in make shift biohaz container. I like status quo, I like that I'm not having any side effects, so far. I don't know what the whole 'crampy' deal was yesterday, because it was gone today. Then again, I've got a pretty sensitive stomach, it could have been an mild allergic reaction to what I ate yesterday, who knows! There's little difference between my stomach cramps or menstrual cramps, it's pretty much misery from the waist down.
The itching & redness are totally gone, but the 'pinch' was a little more noticeable this evening...My 'assistant' (aka kiddo) was talking my ear off & I hesitated a bit. I'm just going to have to lock my self in the bathroom a scant moment of peace!


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