22 October 2005

Right on time this evening, actually 6:05, but as long as I'm between & 6pm-7pm, I'm alright....Even with the chaos of making dinner, making cookies & a kiddo on a sit and spin in the middle of my rather tiny kitchen floor.
I'm been a little short tempered today, but I don't think that's the meds. I think it's the fact that the kiddo was off school Friday, so I took the day off work rather than pay a king's ransom for daycare & outside of a 50 minute class this morning, we've not had a minute a part (other than sleep, of course). My patience is wearing thin. Here's hoping for an early bedtime & a moments peace for moi!

It's getting to be cold weather, it time to sit down with a good cuppa & knit 1, purl 2.


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