Situation normal, all systems go.....Talked to Mary, my RNP, this afternoon and she's not concerned that I've at least 20 eggs at 1cm or more. I'm maintaining my does of Lupron & Follistim tonight & have to be back at the hospital at 8am for yet another blood test & "date" with "John Holmes".
I've had some 'twinges' today, been able to feel the eggs moving. It's seems more pronounced, but I'm not sure if that's just because I actually got to see the eggs today. Also, I've noticed a slight increase the frequency of my "urinary urges", which apparently is not uncommon because the ovaries are now pushing on my bladder...Increasing from making a trip to the little girls room twice at work to three times is no big deal. I did have quite a bit of soda to drink today to, so I know that didn't help matters any.
No real problems with the injection tonight, other than I had the Follistim pen at an odd angle so there was a marked sharpness (pretty funny considering I'm jabbing myself with a needle!) to it that I've not really had before.
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