05 November 2005

6:45am Monday.....

I have to be at the hospital Monday at 6:45 for my egg retrieval. I am 5 days ahead of schedule, we suspected that my retrieval date would be 11/11/05, which would have been a WHOLE lot easier than having to arrange for a ride & daycare on Monday (the kiddo's before school care doesn't open until 6:30 & the hospital is 25 minutes away).....So I'm still working out the logistics.
Tonight, I will only have one injection & that's a new drug, Ovidrel. The syringe isn't marked, but it appears to be about 30mg. Ovidrel induces final follicular maturation & it's got a list of nifty side effects like the rest of them, the info on the patient info sheet from the pharmacy is the same at the Follistim with one except, "Unusual vaginal bleeding."
I'm not worried in the least bit, and I'll actually be looking forward to it (as soon as I have transportation & daycare arrangements finalized).
So no more Lupron, no more Follistim, one shot left. I've gotten into the habit of dropping whatever I'm doing at 6pm to take the meds, I'm going to, in a oddly twisted way, miss it. I'm not going to miss the "John Holmes" ultrasounds, that's certain. Just keep fingers crossed that the retrieval on Monday goes off without a hitch.


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