23 November 2005

Had my final appointment yesterday & all's well that ends well. The MD'S were quite impressed that not only did I NOT suffer any side effects of the drugs, but that I had 20 viable oocyte as well. My MD, Dr. M was intrigued by the article that is going to be in the Polish news magazine. I got another email from Aleksandra yesterday & I am going to send her a photo or two. Now I just have to find someone who reads Polish that can translate the article for me.
I should get my check in about four weeks-hopefully the week before Christmas so that Santa can leave some nice things for the kiddo.
All in all, it's be a great experience and I'll absolutely do it again, if asked. It might not be for everyone, but if you believe that you could be a good candidate for donation, I would certainly pursue it.

21 November 2005

I was half expecting that the email I got the other day was a hoax, but apparently not. Here's a copy of the email I received in reply......

Hi Heather,
Thank you so much for reply. Ok, I have some more questions.
I heard that the couples usually want donors with special attitudes like hair colour, eyes colour, some additional talents like for music or writing or I don't know, sometimes students from good universities and so on. How was it in your case?
Before you started the process, have you been aware about the medications, hormons, surgery?
After donation - don't you have the feeling that the baby will be half your baby?
How do you feel now? It is not so long you did the retrieval.
May I ask you where do you live? And another think, may I know your last name i use it in my article, and don't you mind if I ask you for picture? Feel free to deny if it is not comfortable for you. But if not, it would be great.
The magazine have a web site, but it will be only in Polish. But anyway it is

Thank you,
Aleksandra P.

I replied this evening & yes, I will probably send a photo, but no, I don't think I am going to use my surname, initial maybe.
My follow up appointment is tomorrow, I'll post an update with both the results from that & what I hear from Aleksandra.

20 November 2005

Honestly, I didn't expect that anyone other than myself, would read this, but here's a copy of an email I received yesterday...
Hi dear Blogger,
I found your blog on the web and I decided to contact you.
I'm seriously looking for some women who already donated their eggs. I'm a reporter, I work for polish press (a good weekly magazine) and I'm writing about egg donation in the US. I want to ask you if I can use some informations from your posts about the proces, about your feelings? And also would you like to write me about your decision to become a donor, why did you do this? How much do they pay you? Do you know the couple or is that anonymus? I'd like to know more about this not only from fertility clinics.
hope to hear from you soon,
Aleksandra P.

The email address it came from was Poland, so who knows. If anything does come of it, I'll certainly post it.