20 November 2005

Honestly, I didn't expect that anyone other than myself, would read this, but here's a copy of an email I received yesterday...
Hi dear Blogger,
I found your blog on the web and I decided to contact you.
I'm seriously looking for some women who already donated their eggs. I'm a reporter, I work for polish press (a good weekly magazine) and I'm writing about egg donation in the US. I want to ask you if I can use some informations from your posts about the proces, about your feelings? And also would you like to write me about your decision to become a donor, why did you do this? How much do they pay you? Do you know the couple or is that anonymus? I'd like to know more about this not only from fertility clinics.
hope to hear from you soon,
Aleksandra P.

The email address it came from was Poland, so who knows. If anything does come of it, I'll certainly post it.


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