11 November 2005

I talked to my MD's office yesterday & made a follow-up appointment for 11/22. All of my 'symptoms' have subsided & everything is returning to normal.

09 November 2005

Getting back to normal....

It seems weird to me now not to have to have my shot between 6-7pm. The cramping, albeit mild, that I was experiencing is almost gone, but the increased urinary frequency has yet to subside. Last night, I picked up the kiddo & had a sharp "twinge", but as soon as I was done lifting, it was gone. Tomorrow, I have to call to make my follow up appointment, just so they can double check that I'm still not producing eggs like a chicken.

07 November 2005

20 viable oocyte!

I've home from hospital, found a ride home this morning & other than mild cramps, like menstrual cramps, I feel fine. Got there about 6:30am, I was changed & hooked up to a lovely IV of Fentenal & Versed by 7:45am & in recovery by 8:45am. They were able to retrieve 20 viable oocyte (eggs). I'm supposed to take it easy for the rest of the day, so I'm going to plop myself down on the sofa & watch TV until about 3:00, then go get the kiddo from school. My friend (____), the kiddo's Godmother made the school run this morning, which was an excellent thing, because before school daycare doesn't open until 6:30, so that really helped me out a lot.

This was a great experience, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Yes, the money will be nice, but like I've said before, I've got all these eggs that I'm not using (and will not use) why not give them to someone who needs them. I will have a followup appointment with my MD in two weeks just to make sure that everything is returning to normal.

06 November 2005

It's been about 24 hours since I've taken the Ovidrel & the only change I've noticed is that about 3 hours after I took it last night, I had some mild cramping, almost like when you go into labour & you get really mild contractions-it felt like that for about an hour & it was gone. My friend (_____), the kiddo's Godfather, is going to drop me off at the hospital tomorrow morning on his way to work. I'll be there about 20 minutes early, but I'd rather be early than late. I hate the fact that I'm NPO after midnight, which mean no first thing in the morning Diet Coke. The entire proceedure should only take about 2-2.5hrs. & I'll be out when the retreive the eggs. I'm not nervous at all, but I'm still trying to work out the logistics of getting home from hospital.