25 October 2005

So I've running a little "experiment" of my own.....

After a while, the whole injection "thing" is starting to make for some dull writing. So, I decided to run a little experiment of my own, to see where on my stomach is the least uncomfortable, (I hesitate to say painful, because honestly, how could a 28 gauge needle be painful), place to take my injection.
I've experienced the misery of pregnancy, and I've got the stretch marks to prove it-thank God, Goddess, Buddha that they are not bad, but there are a few small ones on my belly. At any rate, I've come to the conclusion that the stretch mark is not a good place to inject yourself. It seems to pinch worst than anywhere else. It's not like it earth shattering pain, but it's more noticeable than anywhere else on my belly. On a scale of 1-10, it's a 1, so it's nothing. I've also found, at least with my own specific physiology, that the best place is just below the navel....Can't even feel it. Even with the navel is ok, but then the waistband of my jeans tends to irritate the injection site. Boy, this is like watching paint dry, but I never promised that it would be entertaining!

Status quo with my injection tonight-I'm getting to be an ol' pro at this.


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